Saving All My Lovin' Page 7
With that task aside she was forced to revisit her circumstances. Although Dr. Nelson didn’t say how much more it would cost, she had a feeling it would be substantial.
A giddy feeling bubbled around in her stomach. Samantha talking again. She slowly shook her head. The doctors over the years had given her no hope that it was possible. She’d eventually resigned herself to the idea that Samantha would never come back to her.
She sighed and leaned back in the chair. They’d had such a short time together and it was all her fault. If she hadn’t insisted that Samantha accompany her to that party…She let the thought end there. She’d whipped herself with the lash of guilt for years, it colored everything that she did right up to getting involved with Conrad—her ex, very married boss. That was still an unresolved issue. Yeah, she’d quit, leaving him and the company high and dry, but it hadn’t stopped his wife from contacting her.
She was still getting anonymous calls to her home, hang ups in the middle of the night. She knew it was that crazy woman—even though her caller ID always read Unknown Caller. Other than being an obnoxious irritant, Stephanie wasn’t sure what the missus hoped to gain besides depriving her of a decent night’s sleep.
It was beginning to affect her relationship with Tony to a point where she didn’t want to risk him spending the night at her house, or any long period of time for that matter. He wanted to know why and she didn’t want to tell him, so she came up with various excuses: the apartment is being painted, fumigated, no food in the fridge, noisy neighbors, air conditioning not working, she hadn’t cleaned. At some point he was going to think she had someone living with her. When she went by his place, she’d stayed over a couple of times and although they hadn’t slept together, it was definitely heading in that direction.
The phone rang, jarring her from her troubling thoughts.
“Good afternoon, Pause for Men, Stephanie speaking.”
“Hey sweetie, glad I got you.”
His spidey sense must really be working, Stephanie thought mildly amused. “How are you?”
“Busy day. I’ve been running all over town tying up some loose ends with two new clients.”
“Two! Wow. That’s great.”
“Yeah, one wants me to design a corporate website and the other needs a complete promotional package.”
“Congratulations. That’s great news.”
“That’s what I thought. I wanted to celebrate.”
“Sounds great. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I have tickets to see The Color Purple, for tomorrow night. Can you get off by six?”
“I’m sure I can work it out.” She’d have to come up with some story to tell the girls. The fact that she was going out on a date when they were so shorthanded would not sit well.
“Great. Then I figured we’d have dinner and then I’d come over to your place since I have an early appointment the following day in your area.”
She gulped. Her place. “Oh—”
“And I don’t care about paint, things that go bump in the night, rap music or an echo in your fridge.”
She almost laughed but it wasn’t funny. How was she going to get around it this time?
“So…how ‘bout it? I can do the couch thing if that’s what you’re worried about. Like I told you, I care about you and I’m a patient man. You don’t have to worry about me slipping between your sheets unless you invite me.”
Damn, who could say no to all that? She’d just disconnect the phone and hope that no emergency arose during the night.
“I think it’s a great idea.”
“Perfect. So should I pick you up at the job?”
Ouch, the other dilemma. “Hmm, I think I’ll dart home to change. You can pick me up there by six.”
“Works for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye, babe, I’ll call you tonight.” He hung up.
Stephanie held the phone in her hand until the dial tone hummed in her ear. What would life be without one obstacle after another, she thought. Easy, that’s what.
Resigned to her present situation, she signed off from the e-mail, pushed away from the desk and headed back out front; praying that the rest of the day would go by without a hitch.
When she came up front she gasped out loud. Standing at the check-in desk chatting it up with Elizabeth was Conrad Hendricks.
Why didn’t New York City have earthquakes, because she sure wished the earth would open and swallow him whole.
Straightening her shoulders and steeling her expression she marched over to the desk.
“I’ll take care of this,” she said to Elizabeth with such an edge to her voice, Elizabeth jerked back.
Stephanie flashed on Conrad. “We’re at capacity in terms of membership,” she said. She folded her arms.
Conrad put on the charm. His light gray eyes darkened as he took her in.
“It’s been awhile,” he said softly.
Stephanie lifted her chin and began moving away from the desk out of Elizabeth’s range of hearing, forcing Conrad to move with her.
“What do you want?” she said from between clenched teeth.
He looked around, a smile as big as Madison Square Garden on his face. “The place has been all over the news and in the Style section of the papers.” He focused those gray clouds on her. “I saw your signature style all over the news blitz.” He stepped closer. She stepped back. “So I thought I’d come over and see for myself.”
“You’ve seen, now you can leave.”
“But I’ve only just arrived. I’d really like it if you showed me around.” He took her arm.
She stole a look around her, dragged in a breath. “Take your hand off of me,” she hissed.
“Still feisty. But that’s what I always loved about you.”
Her head began to pound.
“I want to see you, Stephanie. I miss you.”
“You have a wife who seems to enjoy calling my home at all hours of the night. Go home.”
“Marilyn’s been calling you?”
He actually looked surprised, which caught her off guard.
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” she said, without much force.
“I didn’t know.”
“According to your wife she got the number from you and you told her I’d practically been stalking you and wouldn’t let you end the relationship.”
He shook his head sharply. “I haven’t said anything to her.” He frowned, his gaze drifted away for a moment then settled back on her.
“You really don’t know do you?”
“That’s what I’m telling you. Whatever Marilyn did she did on her own.”
“Then you really do need to go home and talk to your wife. For all you know she could be having you followed and I damn sure don’t want her showing up here.”
His jaw flexed. “I’ll take care of Marilyn.”
“Good.” She started to move away.
“What is it?” she asked as she turned back toward him.
“I meant what I said. I want to see you. I miss you.”
“Forget it Conrad. It’s over. There’s nothing left to talk about.”
“Even if I told you I was leaving Marilyn.”
She flinched. Words she never thought she’d hear him say. The mistress never gets the husband. Statistics were against her.
She lifted her chin. “Good. I hope you made the right decision. I have to get back to work.” She walked away and kept going right past the check-in desk and Elizabeth, who was trying to get her attention and talk on the phone at the same time.
Stephanie went back to the office and quickly shut the door behind her.
Conrad showing up here! What next? She paced back and forth in front of the square metal desk, chewing on her recently manicured thumbnail. Leaving his wife? How did she feel about that? Did it even matter?
The office door opened and Elizabeth came in. “Who was
that? Are you all right?” She came in and closed the door.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Really.” She glanced away then sat down on the edge of the desk.
“So…who was that?”
She frowned for a moment in thought. Then her eyes widened in realization. “The Conrad?”
“One and the same.”
“What did he want?”
She snorted out a laugh. “To tell me he’s leaving his wife.”
Elizabeth sat down. “And?”
“And he wants to see me.”
“You’re not going to do it are you?”
She hadn’t told anyone about what happened that last time with Conrad or how over the months leading toward their burning conclusion how rough and abusive he’d become. That had been her dirty little secret. The fact that she’d confessed to sleeping with her boss, who was married, was more information than anyone needed. Even the girls. If worst came to worst, she still had her gun. She rubbed her bare arms with her hands, suddenly chilled.
“No. I have no intention of going back down that road again,” she finally said. “Once was one time too many.”
“That’s good to know. Look, I’m really sorry about putting him on you like that. I had no idea.”
Stephanie waved off her apology. “You had no way of knowing. It’s not your fault.”
“I’ll keep my eye out for him should he ever come back.”
Stephanie nodded absently then turned to Elizabeth, worry etched on her face. “What if he does come back? What if he starts trouble? What if any of the clients start trouble? We never even thought about security for the place.”
“You’re absolutely right. We didn’t even discuss it.”
Stephanie sighed. “Now more than ever we should. I’ll look into some security firms first thing in the morning.”
“I can take care of that. I’ll ask Ron. I’m sure he can recommend someone.”
“Good. And the sooner the better.”
“I’m sure Ann Marie and Barbara will agree.”
“We’ll discuss it all at closing. I have some potential job candidates that I want to run past everyone and hopefully we can get the interview process started immediately.”
“Can we hire on the spot?” Elizabeth moaned. She craned her neck and rotated her shoulders.
Stephanie laughed. “If only it were that easy. We definitely want to check and double check references. Can’t have just anyone working here.”
Elizabeth groaned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Anyway, let me get back up front.” She went for the door. Stephanie was right behind her.
“Can’t say this place doesn’t keep you on your toes,” she said.
Elizabeth chuckled. “So true.”
When they came back to the front of the spa, two new clients were waiting at the check-in desk. Dawne was working on getting them set up and Ann Marie had taken over in the exercise room.
“I’ll go down and check the sauna room,” Stephanie said.
“I’ll go up to the lounge.”
The two separated and went about the business of keeping their newly formed empire running.
Stephanie ran smack into Barbara as she was exiting the massage room. They both grabbed each other to keep from tumbling backward.
“Sorry,” they said in unison.
“Where are you off to in such a blind hurry?” Barbara asked, tugging on her white smock.
Barbara peered at Stephanie a little closer. “Are you all right?”
Stephanie finally focused on Barbara. “Yeah, uh, I’m fine.” She shook her head and forced herself to smile. “Just a bunch of stuff on my mind.”
“Anything I can help with?”
Stephanie drew in a breath and let it out slowly. “I wish. I got myself into this mess; I’ll get out of it.”
The two inches between Barbara’s brows drew together in a tight line. “Got yourself into what?”
“I guess you’ll find out soon enough.” She pursed her lips. “Conrad was just here.”
“Say what!”
Stephanie nodded.
“What did he want? I know he ain’t thinking about joining,” she said with a snap of her neck.
“I don’t know what he was thinking about but he was here.”
“Well what did he say? Did he bother you, threaten you?” She reached out and put a hand on Stephanie’s shoulder.
“No, nothing like that.”
“You’re shaking.” She took Stephanie by the arm and steered her into the empty massage room. She shut the door. “What’s going on girl? You know you can tell me.”
Stephanie lowered herself into the chair, clasped and unclasped her hands until they started to sweat. In a series of fits and starts she told Barbara what happened to her that night in her apartment.
Barbara took it all in without saying a word, hiding her fury beneath a calm mask. How dare that bastard violate her that way and then have the nerve to show his face! Poor Stephanie. No wonder she is always two seconds from exploding.
Stephanie wiped tears away with the back of her hand and sniffed hard. She looked across at Barbara through bleary eyes. “Please don’t say anything.”
“Of course not. But Steph, you can’t let him get away with that. He raped you.”
Stephanie visibly shuddered. She wrapped her arms around her body and slowly rocked back and forth in the chair. “I could have stopped him,” she murmured like someone coming out of a deep sleep.
“How? He’s a grown man who apparently had one thing on his mind. How were you going to stop him?”
“I have a gun.”
Barbara’s hand flew to her mouth to stifle the gasp. “What?” she hissed, her eyes wide in shock. “Are you crazy?”
“I think I could have done it,” she said so softly Barbara wasn’t sure she’d heard her.
“You think you could have done it,” she repeated. She craned her neck forward. “You would have actually shot the man, maybe killed him. That’s what you’re saying?”
Stephanie looked away, tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth.
“Steph.” Barbara came from behind the desk and bent down in front of her. “Look at me.”
Stephanie glanced up.
“This is serious hon. A helluva lot more serious than some fling with your boss. And now he’s showing up here.” She shook her head. “He has to be stopped.” She jumped up.
Stephanie grabbed her by the wrist. “Barbara, please, leave it alone. I can handle Conrad.”
“With a gun!” Her expression was a roadmap of worry and concern, veering off in several directions at once.
“We’re going to get security for the spa. I’ve had my locks on my apartment changed and I’m going to change my number.”
Barbara paced. She wondered if Stephanie had enough skill to put a positive spin on the police carting her away after shooting her ex-lover. Lawd. She pushed out a heavy breath.
“Look, I want you to promise me that if he even thinks about coming near you, making threats or making you feel uncomfortable in any way you go straight to the police. ’Cause, Steph, I swear to you, if you don’t I will. And you know I’ll do it. I love you girl, and I’m not going to sit back and let something happen to you.”
That declaration set off a new bout of tears. Finally Stephanie pulled herself together. “I’ll be all right.” She sniffed and snatched a tissue from the box on the desk and wiped her eyes and nose. “And I’ll follow your advice. I promise.”
Barbara gave a short snap of her head. “And get rid of that gun.”
Chapter 11
Ann Marie stepped outside of Pause and began walking down the street to where she’d parked her car. The meeting she’d just left with the girls still had her head spinning. The very idea that Stephanie was perhaps being stalked by her ex-lover was unnerving to say the least. Although she didn’t go into details, Ann
Marie was sure that there was more to the story than Stephanie was telling and it was pretty clear Barbara knew more than she let on.
She took a quick glance over her shoulder—just in case—and tucked her purse more securely beneath her arm. You just never knew when a lover was going to flip, she thought as she disengaged the alarm on her car. One minute they could be the most sweet, loving person you’d ever met, the next a stalker or worse—a long lost husband who wasn’t lost at all.
She got in the car and pulled off several moments later. When she came to a stoplight, her cell phone rang. Without looking at the number she reflexively pressed the telephone icon.
“So you weren’t going to return my call?”
The center of her chest knitted into a tight knot. “Terrance.” She blew out a breath. “What is it?”
“Why did Raquel move out and into an apartment?”
“What does that have to do with you?” Her temples began to pound.
“She’s my daughter, Mari.”
“It hasn’t mattered to you all these years. No sense in claiming to care now.”
“You took that option out of my hands a long time ago when you stole my daughter and disappeared.”
Her heart raced at an unnatural clip. “Stole your daughter!” She laughed to keep from screaming. The light turned green. She stepped on the accelerator with such force she shot through the intersection, her tires screaming.
“It was wrong Mari. You know it was wrong. No one has the right to steal a child from its parent. All those years I can never get back—we can never get back.”
“Don’t try to make me feel guilty, Terrance. Don’t you dare.” She turned the corner on two wheels, screeching to a halt at the next light.
“It broke my heart.”
Her throat clenched.
“You never knew that did you?” The lilt of his voice caressed her in hidden places.
She swallowed. Her eyes stung. “It was a long time ago, Terrance.”
“But I haven’t forgotten. You were the only woman I ever loved, Mari. No matter what you may think.”
“I don’t want to hear this, Terrance. Not now. It’s too late.”